2024 might have been the best year yet.

Let me correct that. 

I'm sure 2024 was the best year of photography I've ever had.  

In fact, I captured so many different landscapes throughout the year, that I haven't even downloaded them all yet.  I'm truly blessed.

From my next door neighbor Minnesota to Cabo San Lucas Mexico to the far reaches of the Southern Caribbean, I will look back on this amazing year and will have the pictures to remind me of its greatness.

Here are some of my favorite pictures I captured this past year.  

So get a nice big monitor (ok, I know you are on your phone) and enjoy looking back at 2024.

Cabo San Lucas Shoreline Aerial Picture
I captured this aerial photograph from the beautiful beaches of Cabo San Lucas.
Split Rock Lighthouse in Minnesota
I didn't notice what seemed to appear in the sky until I post-processed this picture of Split Rock Lighthouse in Minnesota. Do you see what I see?
Taggert Lake Sunrise
Taggert Lake in the morning at the Grand Tetons National Park is quite special.
Leaf on North Shore Minnesota
I sat on the beach of the North Shore in Minnesota admiring the smooth polished rocks when I noticed a beautiful single leaf nestled in it like a bed.
Lone bird sitting in tree at sunrise
A lone bird sits admiring the sunrise. This is a picture I had been chasing since the beginning of my career and it finally happened.
Spirit Island in Jasper National Park
This is Spirit Island, located in beautiful Jasper National Park in Canada. It's amazing, and that's all I can say.
Grand Teton National Park - Mormon Row
Leaves litter the ground at Mormon Row in Grand Teton National Park.
Road traveling to Grand Teton
I stood for nearly an hour walking along this road that led to the Grand Tetons. The sky was blank until a single cloud formed in the distance and started building up as it crossed the road. It was like magic.
Breaking Waves in Cabo San Lucas
I used my drone to hover approximately 10 feet over the breaking waves of the ocean to get the perspective I wanted for this beautiful sunrise in Cabo San Lucas in Mexico.
Patricia Lake in Canada Picture
This stands out as one of the most magnificent moments of my professional career at Patricia Lake in Canada. I stumbled across this lake and I am so glad I stopped. The light was stunning.
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