I had driven by that tree along the road about ten times now and our time was running out.
Despite staring at it in our moving vehicle, I was drawn to its shape and outstanding symmetry. That paired with the fence, I knew there could be something there.
That morning the clouds piled up a bit, but if offered a soft, even glowing light and I knew it was time to capture that tree.
We pulled off the road to a gravel road, grabbed my camera, and off I went. Since this was the only main road in Kauai, Hawaii, there were going to be plenty of cars to wait patiently for as they whizzed by.
Click, click, click. I was positioned in the same spot for about 10 minutes and then changed lenses to get a different perspective. More shots fired. Done.
This splendid tree along road and fence line, ahead of these nicely placed spiked trees made this scene quite graphic in nature and I wanted to punctuate that when I finalized this image.